Wednesday, 27 July 2016

#speechanddrama #personaltiy #conversationclasses #batch2016 #classesatborivaliwest

‪#‎storytelling‬ ‪#‎listening‬ ‪#‎smiling‬ #2016 #activiityatborivaliwest

The thunder will be heard on 4th August 2016. Class commences on 4th august.
Rains are the perfect time to listen to stories. Do enroll for the Story Telling program ( ages 3 to 6 yrs) on Thursdays at Borivali For more information please call Kamakshi Gupte - 9820646229/28938155.

Monday, 7 March 2016

Welcome to Fun Fiesta! – Summer camp 2016

Nourish your child’s creativity!


A 402 - Consort Residence – I C Colony extn Borivali west  - Mumbai 400103.

Write to or CALL  Kamakshi Gupte at  9820646229/28938155. 

Please visit or .

Junior Revelers:   Age 3 to 5 yrs – Speech and Drama
Batch I  – 25st April to 29th April 2016
Batch II -  2nd May to 6 th May 2016
Note :  Fresh program for each batch                                         
 Timings : 10.30 am  to 11.30 pm                                                       

Senior Revelers:  Age 6 to 14 years    Elocution – Creative writing

Eloction is a confidence building program.  
Creative writing includes concept understanding, visualizing and writing creatively.
Batch 1 -  2 nd May to 6th May 2016                                        
Timings : 4 pm to  6 pm                                     

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

summer camp activities for kids mumbai 2016

www.ourcreativetalents.comm is organizing Fun Fiesta 2016 summer workshops for kids in mumbai at borivali west.
Speech and Drama classes for children in Mumbai for ages 3 to 5 years.
Enjoy summer activities for kids in mumbai for ages 6 to 14 years with creative writing and elocution.
For enrollments do call Kamakshi Gupte - 9820646229/28938155.

#readingclass completed #bookmarks #summercampsatborivaliwest

Friday, 1 January 2016

Registrations for #storytelling at #borivaliwest

‪#‎storytelling‬ ‪#‎newyear‬. Registrations have begun!!!
Story telling sessions from January 2016 for ages 3 to 6 yrs at Borivali west. ‪#‎Call‬ Kamakshi Gupte - 9820646229/28938155