Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Circus Ruckus

He is going to make her disappear - The magician

No nose job! Just a prop

And the clown fell down

Oversized ?

Juggling clowns

Hopping Rabits Not wanting to go in the Magicians Cap

Cute clown

Clowning for fun
It was nothing but hilarious! All the clowns and jokers at our class. V actually brought the roof down with our laughter! Juggled, enacted a magician, booed, roared like a lion and also understood that life is quite hard for artists and clowns. To sum it up - A fab day!

Jungle folk

Aggressive Panthers


Wild animals

Tuesday, 14 August 2012


Its been a few weeks but the experience for me as a teacher is humbling. Kids are gifted and have a unique talent that is a surprise factor.

They loved the concept on Sea world - esp the skit on The slow swimmer ( dolphins and sharks). The ferocious face of sharks and the impulsive dolphins. It was good for them and for me too!

Tk u Buddies!